Tuesday, August 1, 2017

i think.. i think... its our 10th year anniversary.

Hello baby....

16/8/2017 It's 10th year.....

Thank you for standing by your naughty wife and her:

  1. bad mood
  2. bad mood swing
  3. bad temper
  4. black face
  5. complaints
  6. scoldings
  7. requests
  8. questions
  9. rules and regulations
  10. fierceness
& the list can carry on i think...... I appreciate your patience with me. .

But rest assured, you are my 

Number 1

all the time, i love you baby.

I want to spend the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.............. years together with you, watching them grow up and have their own family and our grandsons, granddaughters, last but not least, in fact the most..... L~o~v~i~n~g Y~o~u....

Let's be happy, healthy and wealthy together. love you muchie, lotsa........


Monday, May 16, 2016



有爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 弟弟 。

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Baby ~~

Hello baby...

Happy 34th Birthday to you!!!!

Time really flew so fast, just a blink of an eye, we have celebrated 8 years of birthdays, festivals together.

I am thankful that we made it through the good and the bad times we had together. It is impossible just to have good times together. What made us tougher is the bad times we shared.  I am thankful that I have you.

For this birthday, I have made a few wishes for you:

1. Love my wife more everyday
2. My wife love me more everyday
3. May our family stay healthy, happy and very close knitted
4. May god grant me the wisdom and power of speech, langauge to progress better in my career and life
5. May our family be blessed with positive energy to overcome any challenges or negativities that may come along.
6. May our family stay close knitted and loving forever

I love you baby..

A little birthday song from us to you.

PAPA we love you
baby i love you

your wife
your baobei

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentines Day Baby...

Tadah!!! caught kissing didi.....

Tadah!! caught kissing korkor....

But wheres mine leh?

Baby never kiss baobei....  so u owe me 1 everyday.. or 2... 3.... 4.....

I will never get sick of your kisses and hugs everyday baby... This valentines day is special to me still, even though, we are happily stuck with 2 little terror,, even though everyday got ups and downs, even the down days, i'm glad i have you by my side,

Happy Valentines Day Baby...

情人节快乐。我爱爸爸,daddy, and most of all... baby....


PS: if you realize I don't count the years we been married... I only remember our important dates.. because, every single year, my love is as fresh and sweet-smelting as it is on the first year.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hello babyy!

Hello baby...

Its been a while...

From 1 naughty to 2 naughties....

It hasn't been easy since our no.1... then we got used to it and able to handled it ... And then.. here comes no. 2.... and it hasn't been easy since... we were there once.. And we know it just a matter of time, things will get easy soon. Just - a - matter - of - time.

I know I'm hot tempered
I know I'm not easy
I know I'm quick tempered
I know I want every I want to be done to be done immediately
I know I lost my patience very easily recently
I know I get irritated easily
I know I get tired easily
I know I'm demanding at times (or most of the times)

But 1 most important thing I know and I really sure is.

i love you. i love you . i love you. and. i really do.

I want to thank you for tolerating my bad temper
I want to thank you for loving our sons
I want to thank you for being my punching bag*
I want to thank you for willing to share the household chores with me
I want to thank you for accepting me for who i am
I want to thank you for being my pillar of support
I want to thank you for accommodating to me
I want to thank you for

loving me.

Thank you baby. It hasn't been easy for you. I know.
We will pull it through together. You & Me.

Many times, I just got angry and then i realized i should control my temper. But it's only when I flare up then I know I should have just control

Being so drained all the time, just shorten and quicken our trash hole of temper. 

I just want to thank you. And I just to let you know that " I know".


Friday, August 16, 2013

Hello Baby,

Happy Anniversary!!!

Baobei got a card for you! !!

Heeheee... you must find it k...


Friday, March 22, 2013

~Our Family~

Hello baby..........

Time really flies... when i'm young, i never really thought of being a mummy... i never really understand how my parents felt.... but eversince little baby is born.... i would say... every single thing, i will think of him. I totally understand why some parents are so child-centered. Everytime i almost fell into it..or i already fell into it but i jump out again...and its a viscous cycle because he is so tiny... my hearts break whenever he is not well, although it is part and parcel of growing up but being a mother, i think especially for me, its hard to take it easy. I'm still learning everyday, i want to be his good mummy yet not much over protective. I want to be your good baobei 老婆, your lover, your baobei, your best friend.

 look at our boy, such a fine little fellow....

Baby, i know you have been learning and also trying to help out whenever you can ( & whenever you are not lazy) keke... i do see it i really do.

I just hope that we will continue to work hard for our family, for you and for me....
Maintaining a relationship is never easy... maintaining a marriage needs even more efforts, love and love and love....

I love baby alot alot alot.. i love baby brayden alot alot too....

I'm sorry for the insensitive I've done so far... my hormones somehow, are still sorting out...  :(

I love our family. Thank you baby.. for giving me such a wonderful family.