Thursday, August 18, 2011


hello baby...

Sorry for not posting for such a long time... Kiss kiss ok...

2011 is the year we begin our journey as Baobei 老婆 and Baby 老公. Hehe

I never forget howthe long dress freaks me out. Lol. Yet it was so fun and memorable. The day we were officially husband and wife. Did I tell you before when we start dating. I wanna call you 老公Liao? Hehe. ~shy~

I'm so glad that I've found you. I'm so glad that we belong to each other. I'm so blissful, baby.

16th August 2007 ~ the day baby held my hand
15th April 2011 ~ the day we held on each other

I do hope we will be dating as husband & wife, baby & baobei and baby 老公 & baobei 老婆 forever~ I want to be so blissful forever with baby with me.

And it's just the beginning!!! We got so much to expect, share and learn together.

I just wanna grow old with you baby

I love you.

From your Baobei 老婆