Monday, November 2, 2009

Ten, Twenty Years Down The Road

Hello baby...

mama was listening to fm 97.2 just now.. when i heard this meaningful story;

It about a wedding present that a mother gave her daughter; it was a savings account with its 1st deposit.

she told her daughter, whenever her husband and her came across anything that worth being happy or remembered, deposit some cash in.

Mother had made the first deposit - a happy memoria; their wedding. It was the most perfect wedding, most beautiful gown and most loving couple that everyone envy of.

They like mother's blessing to them; they find it very meaningful.

They made the 1st deposit of their own, a very simple happiness to be remembered; hubby had bought wifey a nice lipstick.

2nd deposit; Hubby celebrate wifey birthday as husband and wife for the first time.

3rd deposit; They celebrate Valentine's Day as husband and wife for the first time.

4th deposit; They went on a trip to Bali together.

5th deposit; They have a new member at home, a cute puppy.

6th deposit; They had their first child.

And it just go on and on....

Years went by...... they often have arguements, small issues like; who should spend more time with the kid, hubby never help out in household chore... arguements made their communications and quality time lesser and lesser..... which eventually strained their lovely relationship.

They forgot how much they loved each other.

They decided to divorce.

Daughter went to mother to break the news. Mother told her "since you are getting divorce, go spent all the money in the back account cos there is no point keeping it"

She agreeded. While qeueing, she looked at all the cash deposit they made together.. all the happy occasion flash back... she teared... and turn back home without the money.

Back at home, she told her husband to spent all money in the account since they are getting divorce. He took it and left.

When he came back, what she saw was another cash deposit he made.

He told her "I realised, I Love You, Dearly."

Its always easy to fall in love, have to most glamorous wedding, nicest gown, pure diamond ring.
Nothing beats the substance of the marriage... to be patient to each other, always remind each other of their love, always be best friend, girlfriend, lover and wife / husband to each other..

Baby... I Love You...