Friday, January 2, 2009


Hello Baby...

There you are busy playing with your PS... I'm here again to write you a love letter... hehe...

Baby Baby... i just love the way you are... so naughty.. so weird at times.. so cute.. so lovely.. so... so... tons more...

2009.. I have spent a year living together with you.. with that, i've built my trust in you and vice versa to you, am i right.. *kisses*kisses*

With you, I'm a complete person... I believe you feel the same way too.. *hee*hee*

During all these while, we have been through the good and the bad times, but actually not really bad.. erm... just some unpleasant things that happen at home... you know what i meant don't you... But, we strived through it... Thank you my baby, you are very supportive and my pillar of strength is you. Thank you for being so strong. ~ 1 big juicY Kiss for you! MUACKSSSSSS~

SOOO, lets continue to work together to make our dream come true FASTER!!!!! I CAnt WAIT for that day!!!

i wanna SHOUT to the WORLD ~~ BABY I LOVE YOU!BABY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!~~